Fore-warn'd, fore-arm'd, or, England's timely warning in general and London's in particular - by a collection of five prophetical predictions published by Mr. William Lilly forty years ago, two of Mr. John Gadbury's, anno 1678, and one of Mother Shipton's long since, all at large published in the said Mr. Lilly and Gadbury's own words, purporting I, London's danger anno 1683 and its catastrophe soon thereafter, II, The danger that the Protestant religion will be brought unto all over Europe, and by whom effected and where contrived, III, That England in general will be brought into great calamities and by what means, IV, The extinguishment of a very great family in some part of Europe, V, That the breach of some nations priviledges, ancient customs and long enjoyed rights may produce dangerous effects : all of which are published by the author, not to affright the people with, but to warn them of, knowing that evil before-hand warned of commonly hurts less then that which comes at unawares

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Printed for John Powel 1682 England, London [2], 6 sidor.